Lord Shiva Slokas

Lord Shiva is both a
destroyer and restorer. He is the God of Love and beloved of Parvati. He is
one of the trimurthy?s.( Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) He is Satya, Shubham,
Sundaram, Sivam, Kantam. Attributes of Shiva are Third Eye, Blue Throat,
Crescent Moon, Matted Hair, Sacred Ganga, Ashes, Tiger Skin, Serpents,
Trishul, Drum, Nandi. Shiva and Parvati are the parents of Karthikeya and
Ganesha. Shiva lives with his family in Mount Kailash. Bull Nandi is his
Shiva is one of the most popular
gods of the Hindu religion. Shiva is also a kind-hearted god who blesses
people. Sloka on Lord Shiva forms the part of prayers offered to the lord.
Following is the Shloka for invoking Lord Shiva or Shiva Sloka :
Thryambakam Yajaamahe' Suganthim Pushtivardhanam |
Urvarukamiva Bandana-mr.uthyormuksheeya Ma-amr.uthathu ||
Meaning: We worship the three-eyed One, Lord Siva, Who is fragrant
and Who nourishes all beings.May He liberate me from the death, for the
sake of Immortality, just as the ripe cucumber gets severed from the
bondage of the vines.
"Kailaasarana Shiva
Phaneendra Maathaa Mukutee Zalaalee
Kaarunya Sindhu Bhava Dukha Haaree
Thujaveena Shambho Maja Kona Taaree "
Meaning: Lord Shiva
is seated on Mount Kailash; his forehead is decked with the moon and the
king of serpents as a crown. The lord is full of compassion and the remover
of illusion. Shiva is the only protector. I surrender myself to such great
Lord Shiv-Shankar.
Vande Deva Umaa Pathim
Vande Jagat Kaaranam
Vande Pannaga Bhooshanam Mruga Dharam
Vande Pashoonam Pathim
Vande Soorya Shashanka Vahni Nayanam
Vande Mukunda Priyam
Vande Bhakta Jana Ashrayam Cha Varadam
Vande Shiva Shankaram
Meaning: I bow down
to the Lord of Uma (Parvathi), the divine Guru, the cause of the universe. I
bow down to the Lord who is adorned with snake and wears tiger skin, the
Lord of all creatures. I bow down to the Lord whose three eyes are the sun,
moon and fire and to whom Lord Vishu is near. I bow down to the Lord who is
the refuge of all devotees and the giver of boons, Shiva Shanakara
"Gauri Vallabha Kaamaarey
Kaala Koota Vishaasana
Maam Uddhhare Padambhoje
Tripura Agnyata Kaantaka"
Meaning: Please save
me, oh Lord Kaamaarey (another name for Lord Shiva). You are mother Gauri's
consort; You are the One who drank the kaala koota poison (which resulted
from the churning of the ocean); You are the destroyer of the three cities.
Oh Lord I have taken refuge at Your Feet.
He' Paarvathee
Hrudhayavallaba Chandramoule'
Boodhaathiba Pramadhanaadha Girisavaasa |
He' Vaamadhe'va bhavarudhra Pinaakapaane'
Samsaaradh:ukkaka Hanaath Jadheesa Raksha ||
Nagendra Haaraaya Trilochanaaya
Bhasmanga Raagaya Maheshwaraya
Nithyaaya Suddhaaya Dhigambaraaya
Thasmai Na Kaaraaya Namashivaya Nama Shivaaya
Meaning: I offer my
humble salutations to Lord Mahesvara who has a garland of serpants around
the neck, who has three eyes, whose body is covered with ash, who is eternal
who is pure who has the entire sky as his dress and who is embodies as the
first letter Na.
Nandhikesha Mahaabhaaga Shivadhyaana
ParaayaNa Gowrinandana Sevaartham
AnujGYaa Daatum Marhasii
Meaning: O! Lord
Nandhikesha, highly distinguished, Son of Gowri and wholly devoted in
meditation of Lord Shiva, please grant us the deserving permission to
worship Lord Shiva
Neelakantam Virupaksham Nirmalam
Nilayapradtham Namami Sirasa Devam
Kimno Mrithyu Karishyathee
Meaning: What can death
do to me when I salute Lord Shiva whose throat is blue, who has three eyes,
who is pure and blesses stability
Vamadevam Mahaadevam Lokanatham
Jagathgurum Namami Sirasadevamkimno
Mrityu Karishyathe
Meaning: What can death
do to me when I bow to Lord Vamadeva (Shiva), who has three eyes and who is
the universal preceptor and lord.
Gowree Vilaasa Bhavanaaya
Maheswaraaya Panchaananaya
Saranaagatha Rakshakaaya Sarvaaya
Sarva Jagathaam Adhipaaya Thasmai
Dharidhrya Dhuka Dhahanaaya Namasivaaya
I salute Lord
Shiva who removes poverty and sorrow, who is the Lord of Goddess Gowri, who
has five faces, who protects his devotees and who is the Lord of this
Ganga Pravaahenthu Jadatharaaya
Thrilochanaya Smrakaala Hanthrey
Samastha Devairabhi Poojithaaya Shree
Vaidhyanathaaya Namachivaya
Salutations to
Sri Vaidhyanatha who holds the gushing waters of river Ganga and the
crescent moon in this head locks. Salutations to the three eyed Lord Shiva
worshipped by all Devas who subdued Yama and the Cupid.
Karacharana Kritham Vaa; Kayajam
Karmajam Vaa; Shravana Nayanajam Vaa;
Manasam Vaa Aparadham; Vihithama
Vihitham Vaa; Sarva Medha Kshamasvaa;
Jaya Jaya Karunabdhey ; Shree Mahadeva Shambo
Meaning :Oh
Lord! Please forgive me for all the wrong actions that I have commited
knowingly or unknowingly with my hands, feet, speech, body, ears, eyes and
mind. Victory to you, Oh Lord of compassion and Mercy
Brahma Muraari
Suraarchita Lingam
Nirmala Bhashita Shobhita Lingam
Janmaja Dukha Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva
Linga, which is adored by Brahma, Vishnu and other Gods, which is praised
by pure and holy speeches and which destroys the cycle of births and
Devamuni Pravaraarchita Lingam
Kaamadaham Karunaakara Lingam
Raavana Darpa Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sada Shiva Lingam
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga,
which is the destroyer of desires, which the Devas and the sages worship,
which is infinitely compassionate and which subdued the pride of Raavana.
Sarva Sugandha Sulepitha Lingam
Buddhi Vivardhana Kaarana Lingam
Siddha Suraasura Vanditha Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga,
which is lavishly smeared with variegated perfumes and scents, which
elevates the power of thought and enkindles the light of discrimination,
and before which the Siddhas and Suras and Asuras prostrate.
Kanaka Mahaamani Bhushitha Lingam
Phanipathi Veshtitha Shobhitha Lingam
Daksha Suyajna Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga,
the destroyer of Dakshas sacrifice, which is decorated with various
ornaments, studded with different gems and rubies and which glows with the
garland of the serpent Lord coiled around it.
Kumkuma Chandana Lepitha Lingam
Pankaja Haara Sushobhitha Lingam
Sanchitha Paapa Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga,
which is smeared with saffron and sandal paste, which is decorated with
lotus garlands and which wipes out all accumulated sins.
Devaganaarchitha Sevitha Lingam
Bhaavair Bhakti Bhirevacha Lingam
Dinakara Koti Prabhakara Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga
which is worshipped by the multitude of Gods with genuine thoughts full of
faith and devotion and whose splendor is like that of a million suns.
Ashta Dalopari Veshtitha Lingam
Sarva Samudbhava Kaarana Lingam
Ashta Daridra Vinaashaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga,
destroyer of all poverty and misery in its eight aspects, which is the
cause of all creation and which stands on the eight petalled Lotus.
Suraguru Suravara Pujitha Lingam
Suravana Pushpa Sadaarchitha Lingam
Paraatparam Paramatmaka Lingam
Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam
Meaning: I bow before that Sada Shiva Linga
which is the Transcendent Being and the Supreme Self, worshipped by all
Suras and their preceptor (Brhaspathi), with innumerable flowers from the
celestial gardens.
Nagendra Haaraaya Thrilochanaaya
Bhasmaanga Raagaaya Maheshvaraaya
Nityaaya Suddhaaya Digambaraaya
Tasmai Nakaaraaya Namah Shivaaya.
Meaning: I offer my humble salutations
to Lord Mahesvara - who has a garland of serpents around the neck; who has
three eyes; whose body is covered with ash (vibhuti); who is eternal; who
is pure; who has the entire sky as His dress and who is embodies as the
first letter Na.
Mandaakini Salila Chandana Chaarthitaaya
Nandeesvara Pramatha Naatha Mahesvaraaya
Mandaara Pushpa Vahu Pushpa Supoojitaaya
Tasmai Makaaraaya Namah Shivaaya
Meaning: I bow to Lord Mahesvara, who
is embodied as Makaara (letter Ma), whose body is anointed with holy
waters from the river Ganges and sandal paste, who is the sovereign king
of the Pramatha Ganas and who is adorned with innumerable divine flowers
such as Mandaara.
Shivaaya Gauri Vadana Aravinda
Sooryaaya Dakshaadhvara Naashakaaya
Sree Neelakantaaya Vrisha Dhvajaaya
Tasmai Shikaaraaya Namah Shivaaya
Meaning: I offer my salutations to Lord
Shiva, who is the resplendent sun for mother Gauri's lotus face (sun
causes the lotus flower to open up and bloom; Lord Shiva makes mother
Gauri's face bloom), who is the destroyer of Daksha's sacrificial ritual,
who is the blue necked Lord (due to the Haalahala poison which He agreed
to consume), whose banner bears the emblem of a bull and who is embodied
as the letter Shi.
Vasishta Kumbhodbhava Gautamaaya
Muneendra Devaarchita Sekharaaya
Chandraarka Vaishvaanara Lochanaaya
Tasmai Vakaaraaya Namah Shivaaya
Meaning: I prostrate before the God of
Gods, who is worshipped and prayed to by great sages such as Vashishta,
Agastya and Gautama, whose eyes are sun, moon and the fire and who is
embodied as Vakaara (letter Va).
Yajna Swaroopaaya Jataadharaaya
Pinaaka Hasthaaya Sanaatanaaya
Divyaaya Devaaya Digambaraaya
Tasmai Yakaraaya Namah Shivaaya.
Meaning: Prostrartions to the sacred
Lord who is the Yaksa incarnate, whose hairs are long and matted, who
holds Pinaaka (trident) in His hand, who has the entire sky as His attire
and who is embodied as the letter Ya.
Panchaaksharam Idam Punyam
Yah Pateh Shiva Sannidhau
Shivaloka Mavaapnothee
Shivena Saha Modate
Meaning: Whoever repeats this prayer
composed with the five holy letters before Lord Shiva, attains that
supreme abode of His and enjoys the eternal Bliss.